Why choose Froula Alarm Systems for your home camera systems:
Froula Alarm Systems specializes in different lines of security camera to meet our customer's unique security and budget needs. We offer:
A variety of hardwired and wireless camera options
A mix of analog and IP cameras
On-site storage, cloud storage or email clips
Multiple facility integration
Remote access from internet or smart phones
Cellular access
Video verification monitoring
Secure network setup
24/7 technical assistance
Remote support on select systems
Customers with high data management needs our own custom built scalable Black Box Network Video Recorders.

Arlo Cameras
Arlo Cameras are easy and economical to install and setup. They work from your home WIFI and share video clips based on motion to a smart phone app. Remote access allows easy arm/disarm capability. A cellular model, recently introduced, offers protection for boats, cars, or cabins, all wireless. We recommend these in conjunction with traditional 24/7 monitored security systems.
Hikvision offers a great hybrid comprehensive video recording systems. Integrating both coaxial analog and IP digital cameras with onsite and flexible offsite cloud recording. With latest optimized video compression technology, bandwidth and storage cost is significantly decreased. Cameras are available in dome, mini-dome, bullet and covert styles. Resolutions from 2 MegaPixel, 3MP, 4MP, 5MP to 8MP and 12MP 4K.